The Fine Chocolate Industry Association (FCIA) is the only organization focused 100% on supporting professionals in the Fine Chocolate segment of the Chocolate Industry

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NCA is the major association representing the entire confection industry, offering education and leadership in manufacturing, technical research, public relations, retailing practices, government relations, and statistical analyses.
The premier trade magazine targeting the information needs of the retail and wholesale confectionery and snack buying community.
Candy Industry pulls together critical information about people, products and process in an easy-to read and timely format. No. 1 in total and international circulation, Candy Industry reaches the most influential candy makers – be they large or  small — throughout the world.
The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) is a global organization, composed of both cocoa producing and cocoa consuming countries with a membership. Located in London, ICCO was established in 1973 to put into effect the first International Cocoa Agreement which was negotiated in Geneva at a United Nations International Cocoa Conference.
La Cámara Nacional de las Industrias Azucarera y Alcoholera fue constituida el 31 de agosto de 1942 y protocolizada dicha constitución a través de la escritura pública número 27,637 de fecha 14 de junio de 1943, en cumplimiento a las disposiciones de la entonces Ley de Cámaras de Comercio y de la Industria, actualmente Ley de Cámaras Empresariales y sus Confederaciones.